Strategies to help you through grief

How you cope with the loss will change over time, and different strategies may work better at various stages of the grieving process.

  • Grief Time:

    • Dedicate 15 to 20 minutes each day for grieving in a private space.

    • Turn off distractions like your phone.

    • Use this time to process stored-up emotions through thinking, crying, praying, meditating, writing, or drawing.

  • Keep a Diary:

    • Record your feelings and memories of the person who has passed away.

    • Track changes in your grief over weeks and months, reassuring yourself of progress during difficult times.

  • Let Yourself Cry (if you can):

    • Tears are a sign of strength, indicating a willingness to work through grief.

    • If the urge to cry arises, don't hold back.

    • If crying proves challenging, express grief in alternative ways.

  • Talk to Someone You Trust:

    • Grieving can be isolating, and the process is lengthy.

    • Share your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or consider joining a support group.

  • Give It Time:

    • Working through the lowest moments takes time.

    • Life may feel upheaved, but with time, emotional healing will occur.

If Dealing with Grief Is Challenging: Seek Professional Support

If you've tried the above strategies and given yourself time, but still find it extremely difficult to cope, consider seeking professional support. Visiting your GP can make managing grief easier and more efficient with the guidance of a healthcare professional. Remember, healing is a process, and you don't have to navigate it alone.


What can i do to help with my grief


Grief and Loss