What can i do to help with my grief

Grief, and everything that can come with it, can be really intense. If you’ve experienced loss there are things you can do.

Healthy habits: Try to eat well, cut back on alcohol and other drugs and get a good night’s sleep. Setting yourself small, easier goals can help keep up your motivation.

Take it easy on yourself: Being kind to yourself is always a good idea, but it’s even more important when you’re having a tough time. Remind yourself that grief hurts, it’s hard and it takes time to heal. Feeling confused, overwhelmed, angry (or anything else) and being upset is OK.

Get into life: Doing stuff can be one of the best ways to help life improve, even when you might not feel like doing anything. Find something that works for you like playing or listening to music, walking, hanging out with family or friends or watching movies.

Talk about it: Though it can be hard reaching out to others, it can help you feel supported and less alone. Whether you’re speaking to a trusted friend, family member, teacher, Elder or a therapist, it’s up to you what you feel comfortable sharing. You might just want to say you’re having a tough time.

Getting Support: If you’re finding it hard to cope and your normal activities like your social life, work or studies are being affected, then it’s a good idea to ask for professional support.


The grief journey


Strategies to help you through grief